Monday, March 1, 2010

Photolusion | Photography

Week 8: Photography Post

I took the “Here Comes the Plane” picture outside the Rexburg airport. Brent and I were spending time taking fun pictures throughout the day and thought it would be fun for Brent to eat a plane. Makes me think of the saying people like to say to get kids to eat, “here comes the plane…” I also created “Pinch of Sunshine” while on this excursion. I liked how it looked like I was holding a ball of light.

Here comes the Plane: 1-28-2010; 3:12pm; Rexburg, ID; f 4.9; 1/790; Nikon Coolpix L1
Pinch of Sunshine: 1-28-2010; 3:13pm; Rexburg, ID; f 4.9; 1/939; Nikon Coolpix L1


  1. Here comes the plane...cute. I really like the one where the sun is in your hands. I thought of this, but didn't actually do it. So thanks for doing it FOR me! :)
    Good job!

  2. The plane one is awesome. The lighting is great and it really looks like its going to fly right into his mouth.

  3. I love your photos. Great ideas! I like the plane photo a lot too. Great job.

  4. i like the plain one because i would imagine it was hard to set up

  5. both of your photolusions are great! I had such a hard time with this post, but you did such a great job.

  6. I really like the idea with the plane. The colors in your photos turned out really nice too.

  7. I like the airplane it is really good.
