Monday, March 1, 2010

Photolusion | Edits

Week 8: Edits

Jenny in a Bottle: I created this picture by first taking a picture of my roommate, Jen, and then taking a picture of my water bottle. I matched color of the picture of Jen to the picture of the water bottle. After that I cropped the picture of Jen and placed it over the water bottle. Then I copied the water bottle picture and turned it into an overlay. After that I used a clipping mask to erase the overlay all around the bottle. Then I adjusted levels and such until it looked real (or at least close).

Bottle: 3-1-2010; 6:06pm; Rexburg, ID; f 2.9; 1/6; Nikon Coolpix L1; Self timer and a tripod
Jen: 3-1-2010; 6:04pm; Rexburg, ID; f 2.9; 1/4; Nikon Coolpix L1; Self timer and a tripod

Help Me: I made this by taking a picture of the whiteboard I have in my room and also by taking a picture of myself using a self timer and a tripod. I then shrunk the image of me and put it on top of my whiteboard to make it look like a mini me was writing.

Whiteboard: 3-1-2010; 5:48pm; Rexburg, ID; f 2.9; 1/32; Nikon Coolpix L1
Bethany: 3-1-2010; 5:37pm; Rexburg ID; f 2.9; 1/31; Nikon Coolpix L1; Self timer and a tripod


  1. As always, I love your work. I am especially impressed with the bottle picture. Her hands are perfectly placed. Well done!

  2. The white board one is hilarious. Great Idea, turned out good :)

  3. I really love the white board photo. Both your photos are very unique and creative! Good job!

  4. i like how you did such a good job setting up your roommates to look so good. the lighting was good too

  5. hey good job! its kinda creepy how she's stuck in the water bottle!

  6. You came up with so many good ideas for these edits! I had so much trouble with this one, but the ones you decided on turned out great! Awesome job.

  7. I love the waterbottle one. It looks really good.
